In the race to be more productive, many of us alter our life choices to achieve every goal as soon as possible. These habits lead to increased stress and that can have serious health risks, such as cardiovascular problems. It is estimated that between 20% to 40% of sudden cardiac arrest deaths are directly linked to acute stress and anxiety levels.

All individuals experience a varied proportion of stress and respond to it in different ways. High levels of stress usually signal poor health. It is hence imperative to ensure that you know how you can reduce stress and live a happier, healthier life.

Improve Your Standard of Living

The first step towards a healthier heart and a calmer life is to eliminate flawed routines and adopt a better lifestyle. Consuming alcohol and tobacco in large quantities daily might temporarily reduce stress levels but they often lead to catastrophic health conditions. When you make the choice to quit, your body starts to change and improve itself rapidly.

Too much work often makes us develop poor dietary choices. Try to develop healthy eating habits so that you can improve your overall physical condition. Decrease portion sizes and consume foods that have lower levels of saturated fats. These fats increase cholesterol and cause high blood pressure, which is a leading cause of cardiac failure.

Give Your Brain a Boost: Exercise or Meditate

Mindfulness should be on the top of your list of priorities. Meditate, take deep breaths, or exercise regularly to remove inducers of stress. Take small steps by just giving yourself 5 minutes of peace every hour and you will surely feel the difference in your life.

Unplug and Find Ways to De-stress

Switch off all your devices, take deep breaths, and unwind yourself. Explore options in your surroundings that can help you de-stress after a hard day at work. Even simple acts like humming your favorite song or taking a hot shower can help your mind and body relax and transport you to another place.

Hold on to Those Positive Thoughts

For a healthy heart and body, make your mental health a priority. Gratitude and optimism bring happiness and laughter. Laughter produces endorphins which reduce stress hormones and in turn lowers inflammation and HDL cholesterol levels. Do things that bring you joy and try to eliminate negative thoughts from your life.

It is vital to understand the complexity of heart diseases and understand that they can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. Hence, it is important to receive first aid and occupational training so that you are prepared in case such an emergency arises. Metro Safety Training recognizes the significance of such training and provides top-class occupational level 1 first aid, level 2 first aid, and workplace safety training amongst other certifications.

Contact us today to learn more.