You begin by saving one person at a time… This is life, all else is romanticism, grandiose, or politics – Charles Bukowski

Do you know how to save a life? What will you do if a child or an old person went into cardiac arrest, in your presence? Would you panic if that person was your father?

Calling 911 should always be the first step of action you should take in this situation. However performing CPR right at that moment significantly increases chances of survival!

The National Institutes of Health found performing CPR before medical professionals arrived on the scene was effective in cases of non-traumatic cardiac arrest. Caused due to drowning, electrocution, or choking – survival rate for a sudden non-traumatic cardiac arrest is only 10.6%.

CPR – How Does It Help Save a Life

Less than one third of individuals receive the help they need after suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest. According to the American Heart Association, this number can be improved vastly if bystanders knew how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)!

Immediate CPR can increase chances of survival yet many people are untrained and unsure whether to interfere or not.

Basics of Performing CPR

CPR is easy to perform yet many people are hesitant due to lack of training. You only need to keep 3 steps in mind, which are simple to understand and perform. Call, pump, and blow are three basic steps of CPR, given by the Red Cross.

Call 911 before Giving CPR

Check the scene of the accident and ensure if it’s safe for you and the victim. Check the person for responsiveness after getting the all clear. Tap the person on the shoulder and shout “Are you OK?” loudly enough that he/she can hear.

Next call 911 or ask a bystander to call for help and medical assistance. Get ready to perform CPR on the victim until help arrives.

Pump on the Chest

First check to see if the victim is breathing normally or not. Begin chest compressions if the victim is still not breathing normally, coughing or moving after monitoring breathing pattern for 20 seconds.

Push your hand down in the center of the victim’s chest, 30 times. Start pumping hard and fast, at the rate of 100-120 per minute, faster than once per second. Your watch will help maintain accurate time per chest pumps.

Open the Airway and Blow

Remember to tilt the head, slightly back and lift the chin. This position will facilitate – ensuring oxygen goes straight to the victim’s lungs. Pinch the nose and cover mouth with yours. Blow until the chest rises, then do it again. Time duration of each breath should take about 1 second.

Complications can arise if the above steps are performed by an untrained individual. Good news for people who want to help save a life! Sign up for Red Cross CPR courses offered by Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.MetroSafety.