A first aid course like occupational first aid level 3 from Metro Safety Training can help employees gain the knowledge and confidence they need to act quickly in emergencies, enabling them to offer immediate treatment to a victim.

In this blog, we’ll give you all the information about how occupational first aid courses work and what the OFA level 3 course entails.

Occupational First Aid Course

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let’s briefly define what occupational first aid is and what it is used for. Occupational first aid is typically defined as any incident or injury occurring in the workplace that requires emergency medical assistance, so we’re talking about everything from cuts to bleeding wounds to workplace accidents and more.

There are three levels of training when it comes to occupational first aid, with level 1 being an introduction, level 2 being intermediate training, and level 3 being the highest level.

What Does OFA Level 3 Cover? 

An OFA level 3 course is of the highest level, so you must have already gone through levels 1 and 2 and had some training experience.

OFA level 3 is usually a 72-hour course that covers all situations, including how to deal with chemical spills, electrical shocks, burns, puncture wounds, shock management, cardiac arrest, lower limb fractures, dislocations, and many other emergencies you might encounter on the job.

How Will This Course Benefit You?

This course offers advanced, more detailed training in medical care than the standard first aid courses. Throughout the course, you will learn about some of the most complex treatments for common workplace injuries and conditions. The course includes a demonstration on how to use an AED (defibrillator) and a CPR dummy to practice skills on a mannequin wearing clothing similar to what your employees might wear at work.

A man performing CPR on a mannequin

Enrol Yourself In An OFA Level 3 Course In Vancouver

At Metro Safety Training, we offer occupational first aid training courses for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3, where you will learn hands-on skills to tackle a medical emergency at a workplace. You’ll also receive a certificate that’s valid for up to 3 years.

So, contact us and get yourself registered for an occupational first aid course today!