What is an Anaphylactic Reaction?

An anaphylactic reaction is a medical emergency caused by an extreme allergic reaction. It’s triggered by a substance that our immune system perceives as a threat. As a reaction, our immune system produces a response that can be life-threatening. The anaphylactic attack is a serious issue, and immediate first-aid treatment should be administered. Metro Safety training offers first-aid courses in Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey, Richmond, and Coquitlam.

Symptoms of Anaphylactic Shock

The symptoms of an anaphylactic attack present themselves when a person is exposed to an allergen.

  • hot flashes
  • difficulty swallowing
  • swollen lips or tongue
  • continuous sneezing and runny nose
  • skin reactions like flushed skin and hives
  • nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
  • tingling sensation in the feet, hands, scalp, or mouth

The symptoms can worsen quickly, and you should seek immediate medical attention if that happens.

How to Respond in Case of Anaphylactic Shock

If anyone around you is exposed to an allergen and facing any of these symptoms, you need to respond immediately. That’s why it’s always recommended to have at least level 1 first-aid training. This way, you’ll be prepared to respond appropriately in an emergency.

 two epinephrine pens

Stay Calm and Look for EpiPen

I know it can be difficult to see someone in pain but remember to stay calm and focused. You can help them by reacting appropriately.

Everyone who is diagnosed with allergies requires to carry an EpiPen with them. Look for an EpiPen in their bag or around their room. If you have first-aid training, you’ll know how to use an EpiPen.

Remember, an EpiPen can only buy you some time. Eventually, you’ll have to take the person to an emergency room.

Go to the Emergency Room

Anaphylaxis should be treated immediately. Even a delay of more than 15 minutes can become fatal. EpiPen can help you buy some time for the patient, but after administering the epinephrine, you’ll have to take them to the ER.

You can save lives by knowing how to respond to an emergency. It’s always smart to take at least a basic first-aid training course.

If you’re planning to enroll in a safety course, Metro Safety Training offers one of the best first-aid and workplace safety courses in Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey, Richmond, and Coquitlam. At least one person in the house should have basic first-aid certification.

For more information, you can contact our team.