Enrolling in an occupational first aid training program is an excellent method to acquire fundamental life-saving skills and learn procedures for use in emergencies. Although many individuals take this course as part of their job, first aid training may be the most significant course you’ve ever attended since it will provide you with skills that will be helpful in everyday scenarios.

Some of the important lessons you’ll learn are listed below.

Learning To Respond To Medical Emergencies

People are often quick to rush to an emergency but are unable to respond to it effectively. Before you use first aid supplies, you will learn how to assist the situation based on the patient’s condition. The rule of thumb is to follow the three C’s—check, call, and care.

First, you will check what kind of emergency the individual is in. Then you’ll determine how to prevent yourself from getting harmed and call for help while providing the required emergency first aid. The most important thing is not to panic in any given situation and remain calm throughout the process. This vital information might save someone’s life!

What to Do When Someone Is Choking

Food is the most common choking hazard. It doesn’t matter if you are an infant, old, or young; food can get stuck in your throat anywhere and anytime. Choking on food is the fourth leading cause of death, with toddlers being most susceptible to it. This kind of emergency requires immediate action as the person has only a few minutes before brain damage occurs. In occupational first aid training, you will learn how to jump in and help the individual remove whatever is blocking their airways by performing the “five back thrusts/five abdominal thrusts technique”. You will also learn how to recognize various respiratory difficulties, including asthma and anaphylaxis, and how to help those in need.

Learn how to help someone with a choking or breathing emergency by attending a first aid course!

A woman performing emergency first-aid on a man

Occupational first aid training should be mandatory. Read this article to know about invaluable lessons you’ll learn in your occupational first aid training program.

 Wound Care and Bodily Injuries

No matter how hard we try, accidents do happen. Bodily injuries, wounds, and bleeding all go hand in hand. In occupational first aid training, you will learn how to treat wounds, no matter how big or small. You’ll also learn how to treat bruises and injuries and how to care for them. These skills might come in handy someday. Even if you are a bystander, you will know how to immediately help and use first aid supplies while awaiting medical help.

Occupational first aid training will help you learn many more lessons along with life-saving techniques that might be helpful for someone. Metro Safety Training provides extensive programs on workplace safety courses, emergency first aid training, and occupational first aid training of different levels.

Contact us and enroll yourself now!