Mental health conditions have become an epidemic in Canada. One out of every five individuals in Canada experiences some kind of mental health issue. This is especially alarming because suicidal ideation is a common occurrence among mentally unwell individuals.

Around 4000 suicides take place in the country every year; which means thousands of us have to witness a loved one giving up on their life. We can prevent this from happening, though. There are steps you can take to prevent someone in your social circle from taking their life.

Step 1 – Look for the Signs

People who are experiencing suicidal ideation exhibit clear signs of their distress. They’ll stop going out, talking to other people, start getting rid of their things, and they’ll just stop taking interest in the daily joys of life. Look for these signs and reach out if you see them.

Step 2 – Ask

Broaching the topic with a person you’re concerned about is essential. Yes, this conversation can be awkward, emotionally exhausting, and tumultuous at times, but it needs to be had for their wellbeing.

Make sure that you talk about the issue in a supportive and non-judgmental way.

Step 3 – Keep Them Safe

If you find that the person is indeed thinking about suicide after talking to them, take steps to keep them safe. Keep an eye on their activities, suggest therapy, tell friends and family to be around them—anything that will prevent them from taking action.

Step 4 – Be There

Loneliness is a disease that can eat away at the soul of a person. Thus, getting close to the person, taking them out, and encouraging them to develop a healthy routine with exercise and adequate sleep might help them out. Speak to them on the phone regularly if you can’t be physically present.

develop a healthy routine with exercise

Step 5 – Help Them Connect

As stated already, the more a person interacts with others, the better their mental wellbeing. You can help them integrate with the community by introducing them with your friends, encouraging participation in sports events, and just by including them more. You can also arrange for them to get therapy or participate in suicide prevention groups, etc.

Step 6 – Follow Up

Most people offer support initially and then become indifferent after some time. This defeats the purpose. Make sure you see your support through. Keep following up regularly.

Metro Safety

Metro Safety provides different kinds of safety training programs in Canada. First aid training, work safety training and mental health emergency training are all provided with industry leading quality standards. The courses are specially tailored for people from different industries and walks of life. Make sure you enable yourself to respond to all kinds of emergencies.