Many workers fear the risk of electrocution at work. Chances of getting electrocuted are higher at workplaces with heavy machinery, improper safety insulation from electric wires and lack of safety training. This puts more than 1 million Canadians that work at construction sites at risk every day.

The construction industry in Canada is highly labor-intensive and is one of the leading industries in the country. This shows that this industry is on the rise and will be recruiting even more people in the future. In order to protect the workforce from performing highly risky tasks around electricity sources, there needs to be proper precautionary training.

Here are a few safety measures to prevent electrocution.

Report Electrical Hazards

This should be the foremost call to action for all workers working around electric boards and wires. If you notice something wrong like short-circuits, bare wires, or sparks, report it to the respective authorities immediately. Ignoring such instances may lead to unfortunate casualties.

Inspect Your Machinery

If you’ve been assigned to operate heavy machinery, you should inspect it before using it.
Be careful while coming in contact with the machinery and make sure you’re wearing the right gear. Don’t take any chances if you’re not entirely sure about how to operate a particular machine. A malfunctioning machine can be a risk to you and others around you.

Clean Equipment Carefully

While cleaning equipment is important, it shouldn’t be done at the expense of your safety. Before cleaning, make sure the machine is unplugged and has completely come to a halt. Don’t be hasty and try to clean a machine while it’s still operational.

Touch Cords Carefully

Stay away from electronic items

If you’re about to unplug a machine or carry a piece of electrical equipment to another location, don’t hold the cord with your bare hands. Your skin can conduct electricity and lead to electrocution. Stay away from electronic items, especially if your hands or clothing are not dry.

Avoid Faulty Equipment

If the equipment you’re using gives a mild shock, produces a strange smell or heats up abnormally, quit using it. It’s safer to get it checked or replaced before using it again.

Uncoil Wires Before Using

Before plugging in a machine, make sure the cord has been completely uncoiled. Even though it may seem like a needless task, it can prevent you from dire circumstances. It’s also important to double-check the amperage stated on the equipment for safe use.

Personal Protective Equipment

Your insulation gear is of utmost importance when working with high voltages. Make sure they’re in excellent condition whenever you use them because you can’t afford to use worn out gear at high-risk jobs. Always wear rubber gloves, boots, and non-conductive protection that’s not wearing out or has any holes. Only use equipment with insulated handles and non-conductive ropes along with protective shields.

Worker safety should be a prime concern for all employers. We aim to make workplaces safer for workers and prevent the risk of electrocution.

Our Workplace Safety courses teach and train students to deal with emergencies like electrocution. Our basic First Aid Training course in Surrey also provides thorough training for dealing with such casualties. Our programs include Forklift Training, Fall Protection Training, Space Awareness Training and Aerial Lift Operator Training. Contact us to enrol in our classes.