Please note this blog is directed at advanced Level First Aid Attendants in the work place only. For any further Questions or concerns regarding safety or first aid response procedures please do not hesitate to email me or contact me at our office number. 604-521-4227

blue-see-through-body-with-pink-spineOften as first aid attendants in the workplace we start to panic when we have a mechanism of injury that indicates a possible suspected spinal injury.  The mechanism of injury is what will tell you what happened to your patient. If this is the case and you are a  first aid level one attendant, try and get a first aid level two or level three attendant close by, their skill level will be more familiar with how to proceed with a suspected spinal injury.

Keep in mind just because you suspect a possible spinal injury it does not place your patient automatically  in the rapid transport category (RTC)!

As the First Aid Attendant one will come to one of three conclusions upon assessment of their patient.

First of all  one may recognize that the spinal injury can be completely ruled out, and the patient is ambulatory and can be walked to the transport vehicle. (ref Work Safe BC  Reference Manual version 2012 page 143.)

Secondly the First Aid Attendant may come to the conclusion that the patient has a suspected spinal column injury.

Signs and symptoms of a suspected spinal column Include pain at the head and neck and back area. A suspected spinal column injury does not place your patient in the RTC category.

And lastly the First Aid Attendant may recognize their patient has a possible  spinal cord injury. Signs and symptoms of a spinal cord injury include numbness and tingling, the patient may not be able to move or feel when  touching the patient.

Keep in mind the best thing to do for your patient is to stabilize them without further injury or aggravation to the existing spinal injury. Keeping your patient stable can help to save their life. For further information or skills and practice for dealing with spinal patients feel free to contact us.

Call you up, what you want to know?  Keep your skills up.

Tommy Sangha