Having basic knowledge of first aid is an essential skill that everyone should learn. You never know when the people around you might get involved in an accident and with first aid knowledge; you can actually do something about it instead of standing by helplessly.

Medical emergencies come announced and if you have even a little bit of first aid knowledge; you can make all the difference in reducing someone’s pain.

Here are some questions people ask about some common injuries and their first aid treatments.

What Do I Do In Case Of A Burn?

A first-degree burn can be easily treated with basic first aid treatments. However, if it’s a second or third-degree burn, we recommend taking the victim to the hospital immediately. By following some basic first aid tips, you can relieve the victim’s pain until they receive proper medical attention.

Immediately wash the burnt area with cold water but don’t apply ice to it as doing so will produce blisters. Avoid applying oily ointments or remedies to the burn as it results in skin irritation. Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen to the victim to alleviate pain.

What Should I Do In Case Of A Nose Bleed?

If you have children, this will come in handy for you. Children often get nose bleeds because of tripping and falling. However, adults can also suffer from nosebleeds due to a nose injury.

If you’re giving first aid to someone with a bleeding nose, tell them to lean forward and pinch their nose just below the bridge to stop the bleeding. Continue this for five minutes and check if the bleeding stops. If it doesn’t, apply an ice pack to the nose while pinching it and continue this for another ten minutes.

What First Aid Treatment Is Required for Sprains?

If someone around you has sustained a sprain, your first step should be to prevent the limb from moving and keep it straight. Apply an ice pack to the limb to prevent swelling. You can also give anti-inflammatory medications to the injured person.

What’s the First Aid Treatment for Bee Stings?

Bee stings can be really painful and quickly turn into a severe issue if immediate medical care isn’t given to the victim. If someone around you has sustained a bee sting, remove the stinger immediately to prevent the venom from spreading.

If they’re known to have an allergic reaction to bee venom, give them an EpiPen as it prevents anaphylaxis. You can reduce the swelling by applying an ice pack to the affected area. We recommend taking the person to a medical facility just to make sure they’re not having an allergic reaction.

That’s not all—proper first aid treatments can reduce the severity of several injuries and wounds. In the case of a serious medical condition, your immediate medical care can save the person from a permanent or long-term disability.

Are you looking for a place that offers comprehensive first aid courses in BC, Canada? If yes then you’ve come to the right place! Metro Safety offers a complete first aid training program that includes the treatment for several medical emergencies.

Contact us today for details.